
Mahila Kishan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP)

Mahila Kishan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP)

Mahila Kishan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) has been changing the way farmers cultivate their crops and also finding out novel ways of marketing the same. Mahashakti along with NRLM, OLM and the Madhyam Foundation has started this project with an eye to promote vegetable farming, better ways of rice cultivation and providing organic vegetables to the common public at low prices which would be beneficial both to the cultivators and the consumers alike. Under this project landless farmer, small and marginal women farmers are targeted.

Presently the project has an outreach of 600 women households, 300 each in vegetable and rice cultivation in 2 GPs of the M. Rampur block of Kalahandi. Women have been trained and exposed to vegetable cultivation in the organic fashion and rice cultivation in the SRI technology, which has given them far better harvest in far lower cost. Also Mahashakti has come up with the novel idea of eliminating the middle men those were hitherto involved in getting the harvest from the farmer and making it available in the market for sale. Thereby reducing the cost of the produce and also improving the freshness and the reach of the harvest to the common lot. This project has achieved tremendous success and is garnering praise from the trainers, farmers and the common public alike. Apart from organic vegetable cultivation and SRI way of paddy cultivation the women farmers are provided different types of training like; Capacity Building, Crop Planning, Soil Testing, Seed Treatment , Organic Manure preparation etc.