
Daan Diwali Utsav

Mahashakti Foundation organized Daan Diwali Utsav from 12 November 2020 to 15 November 2020 in 25 locations of Odisha. Warm Clothes, Dress Materials and Sarees have been distributed to more than 625 distressed families all over the state. The CEO of Mahashakti Foundation acknowledged the dedication of Team MSF in observing this Diwali as Daan Diwali.

The company also organized a webinar as a Closing Ceremony of “Daan Diwali Utsav” on 16 November 2020. Branch Managers shared their own experiences of doing Daan to the people in need.

Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. The knowledge that we’re helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, makes us feel happier and more fulfilled. There’s a moral duty of every person to use what they have to help others, a sentiment very much rooted in one’s personal values and principles. Having the power to improve the lives of others is a privilege, and one that comes with its own sense of obligation. Keeping in mind the same thing, Mahashakti Foundation organized “Daan Diwali Utsav” from 12 November 2020 to 15 November 2020. Over 625 distressed families all over the state were distributed with blankets, sarees, warm clothes and even food.

The experience sharing left everyone teary eyed because of the contentment they got while generously helping them those in need. Out of the Branches, those with Best Celebrations received a cash award of INR 5000. The Winner announcement was done by Director Operations: Mr. Mohan K Baliyarsingh.

The Vote of Thanks was given by the Chief Executive Officer- Mr. Jugal Kishore Pattnayak, where he thanked all the participants and also encouraged everyone to imbibe the spirit and habit of Charity in oneself.