
Awareness Programme



The Covid-19 outbreak reached pandemic proportion so quickly and explosively that the health and hospital sectors in the world were unprepared. During this time, the major challenge was to reach the villages and sensitize each and every citizen of the country regarding the horrifying consequences this virus can cause and how to prevent it from getting spread and causing destruction. Mahashakti Foundation (MSF) who has always worked for the destitute & deprived section of the society came forward to show humanity and save the human race. We at Mahashakti, are taking a greater role in providing emergency support to the people of the community. MSF is taking extensive measures to check the spread of COVID-19 across its operational areas. Lack of Awareness about the Pandemic may result otherwise. So, Team MSF decided to go to each and every villages & slums in its operational areas and educate the people on how to fight the deadly virus. They explained to the people about the importance of Social Distancing and also demonstrated the usage of face masks & 20 sec hand washing with soap and water. They also instructed the people to avoid touching their faces as it increases the chance of getting infected.