Sampurna Projects
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Sampurna projects
Integrating small and marginal farmers in Chilli and Millet Value chains
This project is being implemented with the support of HDFC Bank Parivartan. The geography of the project is concentrated in the blocks of Manesar and Jamankira in Sambalpur, Bhatli, and Ambabhona in Bargarh district. During the course of the project, as many as 8,000 small and marginal women farmers shall be mobilized, and formed into Producer Groups and finally, they’ll be clubbed into an organized and registered Farmers Producer Company (FPC). The project is currently introducing new agriculture technologies, best practices, and Package of Practice (PoP) training which aim to improve farm productivity and reduce the cost of production
Project Sampurna has made substantial progress in its second year, positively impacting the lives of women farmers in Sambalpur and Bargarh. The dedication and collective efforts of the team and farmer beneficiaries have laid a solid groundwork for further success in the coming years. As per the project plan, three FPCs had to be floated in the mentioned two districts, where in Sambalpur the two FPCs shall deal with the Chilli value chain and in Bargarh the FPC shall focus on the Millet value chain.
During the period Three FPOs have been formed and registered under the Company Act. The sole purpose of establishing the FPOs is to cater to and address the issues and challenges of the farmers communities and provide a common platform to farmers for multiple business Organizations.
Farmer Sensitisation, Mobilisation Meetings & Formation of Producer Groups
Organized meetings to raise awareness, and mobilize small and marginal women farmers for the formation of PGs.
Team Building
Fostered a cohesive and effective project team with profound knowledge and skill in project management and agriculture value chain development.
Exposure Visits
The project organized exposure visits to best practice locations for knowledge exchange..
Market Linkages
The project organized exposure visits to best practice locations for knowledge exchange.
Residential Training Programs
In finding right solutions and outcomes for issues and problems without compromising on any of the values in the face of adversity.
Financial Literacy
Fostered a cohesive and effective project team with profound knowledge and skill in project management and agriculture value chain development.
Advanced Agriculture Practices
Organized meetings to raise awareness, and mobilize small and marginal women farmers for the formation of PGs.
Demonstration Plots
In finding right solutions and outcomes for issues and problems without compromising on any of the values in the face of adversity.
Input Supply
Supply of inputs to PG members to undertake Chilli and Millet cultivation by adopting the IPOP.
Eighteen PoP (Package of Practices) training programs were successfully conducted across all blocks, with valuable insights imparted by KVK scientists, Assistant Horticulture Officers (AHO), and agriculture experts from Mahashakti Foundation. These sessions were attended by 875 participants, out of which 30 farmers have already adopted the PoP methods and seen a 35% improvement in their crop production.
Custom Hiring Centers (CHCs) have been established in each Farmer Producer Organization (FPO), equipped with women-friendly machinery such as battery sprayers, power sprayers, bush cutters, power weeders, hole diggers, water pumps, and more. These centers are managed by the FPOs and have proven to be invaluable for 1,767 farmers, who benefit from the timely availability of this equipment on a rental basis to enhance their agricultural productivity.
In addition, two high-capacity shed nets are being set up—one in Raisobha, Bargarh, and the other in Amkuni, Sambalpur. These facilities are designed to ensure the timely supply of quality chilli and vegetable seedlings, meeting the demands of the 1,767 farmers associated with the FPOs.
At the Farmers Field School (FFS) level, 64 Field Day Programs were conducted, where 1,105 farmers actively participated. These hands-on sessions covered crucial topics such as pest and disease identification and management, critical crop growth stages, seed treatment, and the judicious application of fertilizers. As a result, 25% of these farmers have begun practicing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) in their own fields.
Furthermore, six agricultural enterprises—two in each block—have been promoted among the Producer Groups. These groups are now engaged in various ventures, including agri-input businesses, millet processing, vermicompost production, vegetable seedling raising, and goat farming. Although these enterprises have shown promise, they require ongoing support and guidance to continue growing.
The Utkalika Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) is successfully operating a millet-based tiffin center in Bargarh, named Ganjam Tiffin Centre. This center offers a variety of millet-based hard and soft food items daily, promoting the consumption of healthy and nutritious millet products in the community.
In addition, three residential training programs were organized, engaging 120 farmers, including Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and members of the Board of Directors (BODs) of the FPO. These sessions focused on vital topics such as organic farming practices, climate-resilient agriculture, the adverse effects of excessive chemical fertilizer use, and the importance of soil health management in crop production. As a result of these comprehensive training sessions, 25% of the participating farmers have adopted organic farming practices and are actively sharing their knowledge with other farmers, creating a ripple effect of sustainable agricultural practices in the region.
Convergence activity with the Agriculture and Horticulture Dept
Through the proactive efforts and strong networking skills of the Block Coordinators, the project successfully leveraged ₹122.80 lakhs in support for 883 farmers. This funding was sourced from various government departments and provided in the form of seeds, drip irrigation systems, agricultural implements, solar dryers, KCC loans, and crates for transporting agricultural products.
Contact Us
Head Office:
1st Floor, Mahalaxmi Nagar,
Lane No. 2, Bolangir - 767001, Odisha, India. -
- +91-80181 64596
State Coordination Office:
Plot No-HIG-05, 2nd Floor,
Dharma Vihar, Lane No-2, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin -751030 -
- +91-81180 62118
Registered Office:
- At- Burat, Po- Madanpur Rampur, Kalahandi, Pin -766102, Odisha, India.
- +91-81180 62107
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